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Convert Mac fonts to Unix / Windows format and vice-versa (dfont to ttf)

Fondu is "A set of programs to interconvert between mac font formats and pfb, ttf, otf and bdf files on unix."

I think that says it all :o) In particular, it allowed me to convert a .dfont-packaged font from a Mac to a set of .ttf files that I can use on my linux desktop.
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jekrem tegep on :

i need this software

crox on :

you can download it from

Greg Ledger on :

I downloaded ufond. However, as a designer, not a programmer, I have no idea how to make it work. I usually run my applescript code from script editor, so I guess I need an editor or IDE for this??


crox on :

You can run ufond (or fondu) from a terminal window.

To get help, type "fondu -?" (without quotes) and press [Enter].

Greg Ledger on :

Sorry, still need some help. I downloaded ufond to my desktop. Does the app need to be stored somewhere specific on my machine (such as the Application folder)?

Thank you.

crox on :


You can download the Mac OS/X package from

Unzip it, and double-click on the .pkg file. This will install fondu on your computer.

Then open a terminal window (Applications/Utilities ?), and try to type "fondu -?". If that doesn't work, try "/usr/local/bin/fondu -?".

Greg Ledger on :

Thanks for all your help. This didn't work for me, because Ufond requires that a font file be one of four types. What has happened is that the Mac fonts in question were turned into unix executable files. (That is the resource fork was stripped during some operation). I wanted to be able to turn them back into Mac fonts. But when I try it in Terminal, I get this error:

Unknown file type for /Users/andrewlenner/Desktop/ c1 cover IB 08-08/Fonts/Boton
Must be one of .bdf, .pfb, .ttf or .otf

I'm guessing that ufond takes fonts that were made for Unix specifically, and turns them into Mac fonts.

Thanks for all your help anyway.

crox on :

What if you try to convert the font to unix first (with fondu), then back to mac with ufond ?

Or you could try to open the files with FontForge: (I've never used that tool myself but I think it can read/write multiple formats too.)

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