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Settings for printing nylon on a MakerBot Cupcake + how to get prints to stick to the platform

After some trial and error I was able to reliably print parts with nylon (618 from taulman 3D) on my MakerBot Cupcake.

I used the following temperature settings:
  • Extruder: 245°C
  • Heated build platform: 60°C

I had a lot of trouble getting the prints to stick to the platform. Here is what works for me: 3M blue painter's tape, topped with a thin layer of glue from an UHU stick. I enable the "raft" option for all prints. The raft adheres very well to the blue tape covered with glue, so well that I have to replace the tape for each print.

I use ReplicatorG 0037 to control the printer and the integrated Skeinforge 35 to produce the gcode. Here is my custom profile to print Taulman 618 Nylon: SF35-cupcake-HBP-nylon.tar.gz.

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