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Linux: enable encrypted swap (Ubuntu / Debian)

1. create and enable a "regular" swap partition (fdisk / mkswap / swapon)

2. install ecryptfs-utils and run ecryptfs-setup-swap
sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils
sudo ecryptfs-setup-swap

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Zfone - secured VoIP conversations (SIP)

I came across this project the other day. Apparently it should work with any SIP-based VoIP client. (They list X-Lite, Gizmo and SJphone.)

I haven't had a chance to test it, but I sure will - they provide a source-form linux version. I may even contribute a gentoo e-build, since so far I couldn't find one...

What makes this project even more interesting to me is the fact that Phil Zimmermann, the original creator of PGP, is behind it.
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