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Linux - extract data from an "OLE Compound" file

As seen here, 7-Zip can extract the contents:
$ file PGPexch.ole
PGPexch.ole: Composite Document File V2 Document, No summary info
$ 7z x PGPexch.ole

7-Zip [64] 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,2 CPUs)

Processing archive: PGPexch.ole

Extracting [1]CompObj
Extracting [1]Ole
Extracting CONTENTS
Extracting [3]ObjInfo
Extracting [2]OlePres000
Extracting [3]MailStream

Everything is Ok

Files: 6
Size: 104336
Compressed: 108544
CONTENTS: PDF document, version 1.5
(If the OLE data is hidden in a WINMAIL.DAT file, you may have to extract it with tnef first.)

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