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Accessing iPhone (iOS 10.2.1) pictures from Ubuntu

Recent changes introduced with iOS 10 prevent you from mounting an iPhone on a regular Ubuntu installation.

The PPA by Martin Salbaba used to fix the issue, but it hasn't been updated in a while, and now when I connect my iPhone (running iOS 10.2.1) the pictures are no longer accessible, although the documents are still there.

This solution worked for me (Ubuntu 16.04):

- install libimobiledevice6 + dependencies from this PPA: (follow the instructions there)

- install newer libimobiledevice version according to the "recipe" by A.B. here:

- install ifuse according to the same method:
cd ~/src/
git clone
cd ifuse/
sudo apt-get install libfuse2 libfuse-dev
sudo checkinstall

You can now mount your iPhone like this:
mkdir ~/mnt
ifuse ~/mnt
I assume the same procedure would work for an iPad too.
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