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aXbo research 2.0 (Analysis Software & Sounds Upload) on linux

This is a follow-up to my previous post about using the aXbo Sleep Phase Alarm Clock (SPAC) on linux. You should probably read that post first.

There is now a new 2.0 version of the "aXbo research" software (thanks rac for the hint). It is quite similar to version 1.0, with the added feature that you can upload new sounds to the device. It's still a Java application, using a number of Open Source components => Look at NOTICE.txt, and from what I saw it seems it's being developed on OS X - a shame that they don't provide an easy way to use it with linux: while version 1.0 was launched using Java Web Start, version 2.0 is installed locally in an OS-specific way which makes it a bit more complicated for the (not Mac / Windows) users. As far as I can tell the software should work fine on all platforms supported by RXTX (as long as there is a driver for the USB->serial converter of course)...

Here are the steps that allowed me to successfully run version 2.0 on linux:

- download aXbo_windows_2_0_11.exe

- run wine aXbo_windows_2_0_11.exe, this will install version 2.0.11 (don't install the drivers, only the application)

- at the end of the install process, you can directly start the program. for me this triggered the download of aXbo_windows_2_0_13.exe (why they don't offer this file for download directly is a mystery)

- install / update to version 2.0.13 using wine again (and again, don't install the drivers, only the application)

At this point you can already use aXbo research through wine. I didn't test the sound upload, but the rest seemed to work fine, although there were some glitches with the display. Here is how to run it without wine:

- create a directory to hold the files, eg mkdir ~/aXbo-2.0

- copy the .jar files to that directory, eg cp -rp ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/aXbo2/lib ~/aXbo-2.0/

- move axbo.jar one directory up, eg mv ~/aXbo-2.0/lib/axbo.jar ~/aXbo-2.0/

- get, eg cd ~/aXbo-2.0/lib/ ; wget

- run the application like this: cd ~/aXbo-2.0/ ; java -Djava.library.path=lib/ -jar axbo.jar


- the offered for download here is 32-bit, which means you need to run a 32-bit JRE.

- instead, you can also install a distribution-provided, eg with Gentoo 64-bit:
emerge rxtx
java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64/rxtx-2/ -jar axbo.jar
(in this example you obviously have to select a 64-bit JRE)

(RXTX is distributed under a variant of the LGPL license, you'll find more info on the RXTX website.)

NOTE / Sounds Upload:

Be aware that the sounds upload function will upload the whole package at once, and that it will replace the sounds currently on the device, and not just add new ones.
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rac on :

Thx for the work
It's working fine on my system and I wrote an wikipage on german howto do it on Ubuntu...

alex k on :

Thanks for the info! We got an aXbo about a month ago, and it's been the best alarm clock we've had. The research software, though, doesn't seem to do allow me to track and analyze sleeping patterns over time, since it opens each night's data separately.

The sleep data are stored in XML, so I'm thinking about hacking out a web app to process the data into charts and graphs and such, but before I do that I want to see if you know if anyone's done something like that, or if you (or any other aXbo users) know of features in the research program that I just missed.

Thanks! If I end up building the app, I'll post something again.

crox on :

I have similar plans, but so far I have been lacking time to actually implement them :o)

I'm looking at something like a SheevaPlug [1] that would be permanently connected to the aXbo and would automatically download the data to a server (it should not use much more power than the provided usb power adapter). This would also allow to keep the clock in sync automatically.


balu on :

Has anyone done anything about axbo and comand line only tools, to get it working with sheevaplug or similar ?
Any Scripting maybe ?

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