Posted by crox on
(as root)
modprobe ieee1394
modprobe ohci1394
modprobe sbp2
chmod a+rw /dev/sg0
(as regular user)
scanimage -L
Posted by crox on
My phone stores the camera pictures in a dedicated folder with filenames like "Picture(1).jpg".
for I in `seq 20 30` ; do obexftp -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -c 'Pictures/camera_semc/' -g "Picture($I).jpg" ; done
Posted by crox on
refocus-it looks like a really nice plug-in for Gimp. I'm currently giving it a try...
Posted by crox on
I'm looking for an easy solution to plot out graphs using php (or perl). So far I've found a couple which look nice:
PHP-GNUPlot (needs GNUPlot)
Image_Graph (PEAR Package)
HTML-GRAPHS is not exactly what I want, but still a nice idea
PHP/SWF Charts seems to be popular, but I don't want flash