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bash: how to send output to the console and through a pipe at the same time with tee

Let's say you want some output to be echoed to the console but also to be passed to a pipe. Specifically, in my case I wanted a message to be displayed to the user and also to be sent to syslog. You could of course just print it twice, but in some cases it's not possible, or it makes it more complicated than it should be.

There is a simple solution with tee:
echo "a test" | tee >(logger)

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gulp - tcpdump alternative for lossless capture on Linux

tcpdump and wireshark are the tools that usually come to mind when you have to capture network traffic. But in some situations where you have to record a large amount of data and you want to avoid losing packets, tcpdump has some limitations. When I was hit myself by the tcpdump packet loss problem, I quickly found out that I was not alone and that a number of people had already researched the topic and/or provided alternatives.*

In particular, I found two different tools to perform the task: Corey Satten's gulp ( and lindump from HP Labs (

I also found two interesting papers about capturing high volumes of traffic: and (the second quotes the first one among others, and also contains useful info to optimally spread the load among different cores)

After some tests I quickly became a happy gulp user, and thanks to the software being open source I was able to add features to it that I missed from the latest tcpdump versions:

-n - allows to change the default filename template
-t - allows to add a timestamp to the filename
-G - rotate pcap file every n seconds
-F - allows to skip the check for an ethernet interface
-Z - allows to specify a command to post-process each capture file

I've sent a patch to Corey Satten, who intends to setup a repository to hold the various contributions he gets for gulp. In the meanwhile, you can find my changes in the attached file (02-gulp-ntGFZ.patch.gz). For your convenience and for completeness, I also provide here the patch from Guy Harris that fixes issues on 64 bit systems (see, apply that one first).

2012-08-22: new version of my patch to fix the issue reported by SgtMalicious
2017-02-03: long-standing bug fixed

01-gulp-amd64.patch.gz: fix issues with 64-bit systems
02-gulp-ntGFZ.patch.gz: additional functionality as described above
gulp-1.58-crox.tgz: source with both patches applied

* other people have reported a performance drop with libpcap version 1.0 compared to previous builds, see or
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Linux: enable encrypted swap (Ubuntu / Debian)

1. create and enable a "regular" swap partition (fdisk / mkswap / swapon)

2. install ecryptfs-utils and run ecryptfs-setup-swap
sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils
sudo ecryptfs-setup-swap

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Thunderbird - change default message forward mode from "inline" to "attached"

For years the default behaviour in Thunderbird had been to forward e-mails as attachments, but at some point it was changed to "inline". You can still manually choose how you'd like to transfer a message by going to "Message" -> "Forward as", but I couldn't find a way to set the default in the preferences.

There is, however, a way to change it without messing with manual edit of config files. Go to "Preferences" -> "Advanced" -> "Config Editor...", and look for "mail.forward_message_mode". 0 is for "attached", 2 is for "inline".
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hping - [send_icmp] Unsupported icmp type

When performing tests you may sometimes want to send specially crafted icmp packets. hping is a handy tool for that.

However, the default behavior is to refuse to send "unsupported" Type/Code combinations. eg
hping3 -c 1 --icmp -C 33 -K 0
HPING (wlan0 icmp mode set, 28 headers + 0 data bytes
[send_icmp] Unsupported icmp type!

Fortunately, there is an (undocumented) --force-icmp option that you can add to bypass the check:
hping3 -c 1 --icmp --force-icmp -C 33 -K 0
HPING (wlan0 icmp mode set, 28 headers + 0 data bytes

--- hping statistic ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.0/0.0/0.0 ms

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