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Installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix over the network (UNR netboot - PXE install)

There is actually at least one very straightforward way to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix without a USB key, without even downloading the image, over the network.

Just follow the instructions in my previous article to get a working Ubuntu Installer over PXE. By default this installer will only setup a very minimal Ubuntu system, without any server or desktop packages.

At some point during the installation, you are offered the possibility to install additional software packages. At this stage you can just tick the box in front of "Ubuntu Network Remix" and that's it! You don't need to select any other package (eg Ubuntu Desktop) for a fully working UNR install. Personally I added "OpenSSH Server" because I want to be able to login remotely. Of course you could also add those packages later on.
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thesis writing on :

Quite simple for a linux installation :-) Thanks for this instruction

Anonymous on :

I am student of CNA(Cisco Networking). I am looking for such page for several days. Thanks for the information. Now I will try to install my ubuntu as you said.

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