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Gentoo Linux: "Package NOT merged due to file collisions" problem and solution

When trying to get the latest sys-libs/timezone-data on a somewhat old system, I got the following error:
[list of nearly all files the package was about to install]
- Package 'sys-libs/timezone-data-2008i' NOT merged due to file
- collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
- content of the above message.

According to equery, it looks like those files were installed by glibc:
# equery b /usr/share/zoneinfo/CET
sys-libs/glibc- (/usr/share/zoneinfo/CET)

So I tried
# COLLISION_IGNORE="/usr/share/zoneinfo" emerge -av timezone-data
which showed less errors but still gave me:
 - sys-libs/glibc-
- /usr/bin/tzselect
- /usr/sbin/zdump
- /usr/sbin/zic

I ended up with
# COLLISION_IGNORE="/usr" emerge -av timezone-data
which worked well.

I looked at the ebuilds and saw that newer glibc packages depend on sys-libs/timezone-data, so upgrading glibc should solve the problem too. I've submitted bug 258802 since I didn't find the info anywhere else.
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Homunculus on : Ignoring file collisions on Gentoo distributions

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ben wolfson on :

Upgrading glibc doesn't actually work, because glibc depends on timezone-data. You can't install the new glibc without doing the COLLISION_IGNORE trick.

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