Enable IPv6 on OSMC (wired and wireless)
Despite having read the opposite, it looks like IPv6 is disabled by default on the latest OSMC release (2015.06-1). I've tried adding a sysctl.d file to set /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/disable_ipv6 to 0, but this did not help. It worked only when I ran the command manually. By going through numerous forum posts I eventually found out that you need to use the connmanctl CLI tool:
The same command works for wireless as well, you just need to select the appropriate interface (the service name will start with wifi_).
"help" will display basic usage info.
If for some reason you would like to disable IPv6, the command would be "config ... --ipv6 off".
root@osmc:~# connmanctlThis enables IPv6 with autoconfiguration, turns on Privacy Extensions and prefers these ephemeral addresses over the autoconfigured ones.
connmanctl> services
*AO Wired ethernet_b827ebaabbcc_cable
connmanctl> config ethernet_b827ebaabbcc_cable --ipv6 auto preferred
connmanctl> quit
The same command works for wireless as well, you just need to select the appropriate interface (the service name will start with wifi_).
"help" will display basic usage info.
If for some reason you would like to disable IPv6, the command would be "config ... --ipv6 off".