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Gentoo Linux: "Package NOT merged due to file collisions" problem and solution

When trying to get the latest sys-libs/timezone-data on a somewhat old system, I got the following error:
[list of nearly all files the package was about to install]
- Package 'sys-libs/timezone-data-2008i' NOT merged due to file
- collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
- content of the above message.

According to equery, it looks like those files were installed by glibc:
# equery b /usr/share/zoneinfo/CET
sys-libs/glibc- (/usr/share/zoneinfo/CET)

So I tried
# COLLISION_IGNORE="/usr/share/zoneinfo" emerge -av timezone-data
which showed less errors but still gave me:
 - sys-libs/glibc-
- /usr/bin/tzselect
- /usr/sbin/zdump
- /usr/sbin/zic

I ended up with
# COLLISION_IGNORE="/usr" emerge -av timezone-data
which worked well.

I looked at the ebuilds and saw that newer glibc packages depend on sys-libs/timezone-data, so upgrading glibc should solve the problem too. I've submitted bug 258802 since I didn't find the info anywhere else.
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Android on the Nokia n810 Internet Tablet (Android on top of Maemo Linux vs NITdroid vs android-n810)

I've successfully installed and ran Android on my N810 following the instructions here along with the modifications described here. In the next days/weeks I'll have a deeper look at it and will also try to install some more apps.

There is another project (involving the same people?) called NITdroid, which allows to run Android directly, bypassing Maemo. However my understanding is that short of reflashing the kernel there is no easy way to switch between Maemo and Android (with the first method you only have to reboot to get back to Maemo after using Android). There are discussion here and there about using kexec to swich between Maemo and Android but so far I'm not aware of anybody getting kexec to work on a NIT.

android-n810 on SourceForge looks quite similar to NITdroid, according to the README in the distributed files.

Other things to look at some day:
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aXbo research 2.0 (Analysis Software & Sounds Upload) on linux

This is a follow-up to my previous post about using the aXbo Sleep Phase Alarm Clock (SPAC) on linux. You should probably read that post first.

There is now a new 2.0 version of the "aXbo research" software (thanks rac for the hint). It is quite similar to version 1.0, with the added feature that you can upload new sounds to the device. It's still a Java application, using a number of Open Source components => Look at NOTICE.txt, and from what I saw it seems it's being developed on OS X - a shame that they don't provide an easy way to use it with linux: while version 1.0 was launched using Java Web Start, version 2.0 is installed locally in an OS-specific way which makes it a bit more complicated for the (not Mac / Windows) users. As far as I can tell the software should work fine on all platforms supported by RXTX (as long as there is a driver for the USB->serial converter of course)...

Here are the steps that allowed me to successfully run version 2.0 on linux:

- download aXbo_windows_2_0_11.exe

- run wine aXbo_windows_2_0_11.exe, this will install version 2.0.11 (don't install the drivers, only the application)

- at the end of the install process, you can directly start the program. for me this triggered the download of aXbo_windows_2_0_13.exe (why they don't offer this file for download directly is a mystery)

- install / update to version 2.0.13 using wine again (and again, don't install the drivers, only the application)

At this point you can already use aXbo research through wine. I didn't test the sound upload, but the rest seemed to work fine, although there were some glitches with the display. Here is how to run it without wine:

- create a directory to hold the files, eg mkdir ~/aXbo-2.0

- copy the .jar files to that directory, eg cp -rp ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/aXbo2/lib ~/aXbo-2.0/

- move axbo.jar one directory up, eg mv ~/aXbo-2.0/lib/axbo.jar ~/aXbo-2.0/

- get, eg cd ~/aXbo-2.0/lib/ ; wget

- run the application like this: cd ~/aXbo-2.0/ ; java -Djava.library.path=lib/ -jar axbo.jar


- the offered for download here is 32-bit, which means you need to run a 32-bit JRE.

- instead, you can also install a distribution-provided, eg with Gentoo 64-bit:
emerge rxtx
java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64/rxtx-2/ -jar axbo.jar
(in this example you obviously have to select a 64-bit JRE)

(RXTX is distributed under a variant of the LGPL license, you'll find more info on the RXTX website.)

NOTE / Sounds Upload:

Be aware that the sounds upload function will upload the whole package at once, and that it will replace the sounds currently on the device, and not just add new ones.
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Install Ubuntu without cd-rom over the network (Ubuntu netboot install, works for CF or USB too)

It's quite easy actually, once you know where to look.

Just browse to[version]/main/installer-[arch]/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/[arch]/ - eg

The two files "linux" and "initrd.gz" can be used with pxegrub to boot a PC with a fully-working Ubuntu-installer (text-mode). See my other posts about my diskless / network boot setup for details on how I configured the network booting part, based on dhcp, tftp and pxegrub.

Alternatively, if you have a CF card USB stick etc. with a working GRUB install, you can just copy the two files over there.

What I still haven't found is how to do an Ubuntu NFS install directly. For now I'm stuck with my diskless Ubuntu install procedure where I first do a hard disk install and then make it diskless.

Credits: the whole thing was inspired by this article.
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VaudTax 2007 sous Gentoo 64 bit (VaudTax linux amd64)

- Lu à plusieurs reprises (mais pas vérifié moi-même) : il est difficile, mais pas impossible, de faire fonctionner VaudTax avec une VM Java 64 bits. (Il faut remplacer le swt.jar fourni par une série de liens symboliques.) Par contre, le format des fichiers sauvegardés n'est semble-t-il pas compatible d'une version 32 bits à une version 64 bits et vice-versa... J'ai donc opté pour la version téléchargeable qui inclut une JVM (32 bits).

- L'installation s'est déroulée sans peine, mais ensuite en exécutant VaudTax j'ai obtenu le message suivant :

Vous devez installer le navigateur Internet Mozilla Firefox afin de pouvoir visualiser l'aide de VaudTax 2007, se référer ici :

Ne souhaitant pas renoncer à l'aide en ligne, j'ai fini par trouver après de nombreux essais infructueux une procédure qui devrait fonctionner dans la plupart des cas :

- Télécharger xulrunner depuis (avec la version 1.9 ça ne fonctionne pas chez moi)

- Décompacter xulrunner- dans le répertoire dans lequel VaudTax est installé (chez moi et par défaut : $HOME/VaudTax2007)

- Modifier le script qui démarre VaudTax (chez moi et par défaut : $HOME/VaudTax2007/VaudTax2007) en ajoutant les lignes suivantes juste après #!/bin/sh :
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=$HOME/VaudTax2007/xulrunner

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